Friday, January 18, 2013

Are a Right Brain or a Left Brain Thinker?

Cognitive-Style Quiz
Choose the one sentence that is more true. Do not leave any blanks.
  1. A ) It's fun to take risks.
    B ) I have fun without taking risks.
  2. A ) I look for new ways to do old jobs.
    B ) When one way works well, I don't change it.
  3. A ) I begin many jobs that I never finish.
    B ) I finish a job before starting a new one.
  4. A ) I'm not very imaginative in my work.
    B ) I use my imagination in everything I do.
  5. A ) I can analyze what is going to happen next.
    B ) I can sense what is going to happen next.
  6. A ) I try to find the one best way to solve a problem.
    B ) I try to find different answers to problems.
  7. A ) My thinking is like pictures going through my head.
    B ) My thinking is like words going through my head.
  8. A ) I agree with new ideas before other people do.
    B ) I question new ideas more than other people do.
  9. A ) Other people don't understand how I organize things.
    B ) Other people think I organize well.
  10. A ) I have good self-discipline.
    B ) I usually act on my feelings.
  11. A ) I plan time for doing my work.
    B ) I don't think about the time when I work.
  12. A ) With a hard decision, I choose what I know is right.
    B ) With a hard decision, I choose what I feel is right.
  13. A ) I do easy things first and important things later.
    B ) I do the important things first and the easy things later.
  14. A ) Sometimes in a new situation, I have too many ideas.
    B ) Sometimes in a new situation, I don't have any ideas.
  15. A ) I have to have a lot of change and variety in my life.
    B ) I have to have an orderly and well-planned life.
  16. A ) I know I'm right, because I have good reasons.
    B ) I know I'm right, even without good reasons.
  17. A ) I spread my work evenly over the time I have.
    B ) I prefer to do my work at the last minute.
  18. A ) I keep everything in a particular place.
    B ) Where I keep things depends on what I'm doing.
  19. A ) I have to make my own plans.
    B ) I can follow anyone's plans.
  20. A ) I am a very flexible and unpredictable person.
    B ) I am a consistent and stable person.
  21. A ) With a new task, I want to find my own way of doing it.
    B ) With a new task, I want to be told the best way to it.

To Score
  1. Give yourself one point for each time you answered "A" for questions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21.
  2. Give yourself one point for each time you answered "B" for questions: 4 ,5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.
  3. Add all points. Totals imply:
    0-4: strong left brain
    5-8: moderate left brain
    9-13: middle brain
    14-16: moderate right brain
    17-21: strong right brain

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