Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm so excited to start homeschooling Peter.  We start on Monday.  I took him out of kindergarten last year and started  homeschooling then.  But then this year I put him back in for 1st grade.  I was so worried thinking he might be behind in reading because I wasn't the most consistent sit down everyday and do 4 or more hours of study kind of homeschooling mom. It wasn't until I put him back in elem. school that I realized that I don't have to be an expert to do  home school.  To my astonishment Peter was well above his grade level in reading, writing, and math.  WOW!  Really?  Pinch me please.   I CAN do it!   All that time I spent on self doubt and thinking I wasn't doing it good enough... it was all wasted time.  I don't have to have a perfect schedule and perfect organizational skills.  And I don't have be perfectly consistent.  My kids can learn in home with piles of laundry around them.  And they can learn when I interupt their studies to ask for help in doing some dishes.  And I can just drop everything we're doing to spontaneously go to take a drive to the mountains.  And If I'm having a really bad super grumpy day.... my kids can still learn.  They can learn that life sometimes sux, and things aren't hunky dory, but that we can start a brand new day tomorrow and things will surely get better.  Things don't have to be perfect.  And kids can still learn.  And excel at their studies while wrapped in their mother's love.   

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