Friday, May 29, 2009

Today is the day! I've got the affidavit filled out, signed, and notarized. I'm so excited to go to school and officially and legally sign my kids OUT. I'm a little nervous too. Am I sure I want to do this? Am I ready? Can I really do it? I'm feeling a little hesitant and scared about this HUGE change in my life...

But I am ready. And although nervous to take this next step, I know I can do it. And I'm looking forward to all the work and fun and learning we'll be doing at home school. I'm starting a new life today. A life more fulfilled. And I'm ready.


  1. hut, i just did this yesterday...but we didn't have to do any of that.

    we just went up to the school, said we are homeschooling and they had me sign a paper saying that i will be teaching them.

    it was so THRILLING though!!!!

  2. i find the muffin movies a bit disturbing. i think i will have nightmares now...HUT
    number 3..the music is scary!
    where the crap do you find this stuff?

    i'm frightened!
