Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Standing Up 4 Freedom!

Utah Constitution
 Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we, the people of Utah, in order to secure and perpetuate the principles of free government, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION.

Utah Constitutional Amendment 3

Utah Constitutional Amendment 3 is an amendment to the Utah state constitution that sought to define marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman. It passed in the November 2, 2004 election, as did similar amendments in ten other states.

The amendment, which added Article 1, Section 29 to the Utah Constitution, reads:

  1. Marriage consists only of the legal union between a man and a woman.
  2. No other domestic union, however denominated, may be recognized as a marriage or given the same or substantially equivalent legal effect.

 My daughter and went to the Capitol building and joined the rally of Families against gay marriage.  It felt great to stand up with same-minded people and listen to speeches about OUR rights and our constitution and why it SHOULDN'T change.  I love our country and we need to take a stand for our beliefs! I'm so glad I did!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Oh, the Joys!

Look how much fun learning at home is.  Mary wrote a story about a little monster who wanted to make friends. So she decided to do something about it and in the end because she got brave she made new friends.  It was a really cute story.
 Mary wanted to make her story come true so I cut out pieces of felt to match the drawing. Then, we had a first lesson on sewing.  And in about a weeks time with many hours devoted to hand stitching,  Mary's little monster came to life. I love these times of creativity and learning.  And I love seeing my children feel that sense of confidence and accomplishment after working so hard on something of their own creation.  I love it. I love it. I love it!

I love this message from Pres. Monson.  It's such a good reminder that a perfect home environment doesn't mean that the laundry is always done. I happen to be one of those moms that can't get it all done. My home isn't ever in perfect condition. There is always a mess somewhere.  Before I had kids I was a perfectionist in how I kept things. Everything had it's spot, and everything was always squeaky clean.  I even hung my clothes in color code.
 But, as the children came my ability to keep things so neat slowly disappeared. While it bothers me, I have to remember that my children have always been happy kids. And I am always trying.  And I know that we are choosing the right and doing what's right.  And that brings peace to my heart.
Even when I'm staring at my piles and piles thinking, "Will it ever end?"