Here is a story of mine that I would like to share with you.
My oldest son, Zach, has Downs Syndrome. He is the most precious person I know. I hold him sacred to my heart. As a youth I had a very personal dream and other special experiences that prepared me for my sons arrival. I knew that someday I would have a child like him.
When he was born he had many physical problems and we didn’t know if he would make it. I loved my son more than words can describe and couldn’t bare to loose him.
He received a blessing. In it was stated that he came down in a “shell” that would protect him against Satan. And during his earthly stay his veil had not been shut, and that it would never be. He knows many things. Because of this, he would not be able to speak during his life. And when he accomplished his mission on earth, Heavenly Father will have many more missions for him to accomplish on the other side. And we needed to remember that for when Heavenly Father calls him home.
My precious son is now 15 years old. He is a light in our home. When he was three and four we were pressured to start him with all sorts of therapy for his fine motor skills, and other physical things, but for especially his speech. They really worried about his complete lack of speech. In the worlds way, that is, he didn’t speak. But at home, we watched him as he would stare at a certain places in our home where we could’t see anyone. And then he would start laughing and carry on in a babble. We still catch him “talking to himself” all the time – of course we don’t understand what he’s saying or to whom he is talking…. but one thing we KNOW – that he’s not talking to himself. We get daily reminders that we have heavenly angels around us.
Zach know things. He can see into people's soals. He'll hug random strangers... at times we've had people come up to us and say, "You have no idea how much I needed that hug". He knows when people are hurting. He'll go up to them without hesitancy and smile at them, sit next to them, or hug them. He "sees" people and who they really are. He loves people with the kind of love sent strait from heaven. He is completely without guile, without jealousy, without hate. He forgives, he provides peace and joy and simplicity to perfection. He is kind hearted and unselfish. His eyes are angelic. He is pure and innocent and happy to be alive. He is a perfect example of how to live this life.
And Zach is a master singer. He comes home from school every day and turns the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on – full blast. Every day! He’ll pick up his paint roller, or his (choir stick) and direct the music while singing as loud as he can. His favorite songs are How Firm A Foundation, I Know that my Redeemer Lives, I Believe in Christ, and Called to Serve.
Zach is also a master basketball hoop-er. He makes almost every shot. It's amazing to watch his aim.
He love to cook and he loves animals and nature. He is a total tree hugger - literally. He loves to hug trees. It makes you think... There are so many wonderful and interesting things about Zach.
This is what I am so blessed and fortunate to live with. I feel like the proudest mother in the world and want to shout at the top of my lungs to say "look and see my child – one so perfect and innocent and wonderful!"
And my five other children younger than him realize that they are blessed and fortunate too. They love their older brother who is perfect in their eyes. And he loves them more than anything in the world! He is lucky to have so many brothers and sisters. And they are lucky to have Zach.
But some people only see Zach with temporal eyes, and with those kind of eyes they see something totally different. They see parents who are weighed down with hardships. They see a chromosome disorder, an unfortunate mishap in biology. And as a result of that "mistake" we have a kid who can’t talk, who can't learn "normally", and who will never grow up to accomplish anything. He will be a burden because he won't be able to grow up and move on like the rest of the kids, and he'll be completely reliant on us his whole life.
**This is the world**
I'm sad for people who can't see past the world. They are missing the best part of life. Yes, it's hard and challenging to raise a child who's body is handicapped. And yes, it's time consuming and financially draining, and takes an un-human amount of patience from all family members. And it's not always hunky dory with rainbows and lolly pops. It's true. It's hard, people!
*** BUT ***
Everything around you is different. Everything is more clear. Everything you think you know is not so right, and a lot of it is wrong. You'd slow down and see what beauty & perfection really is. You would apreciate the small things. You would have more joy & more peace. You would recieve what the world can never give you.
Zach only has these kind of eyes. And we feel so lucky that we have someone in our lives to show us the true meaning of life every day. He is a constant reminder of how we need to be. And how we need to change. And how we can find true joy.
I am one of the lucky ones who gets that kind of picture of life. And it's all through my beautiful son.
I wanted to share with you some of the wonderful life I live because of my son, Zach.
IT"S Beautiful!