I found the cutest thing ever the other day. I found this adorable plant holder... but I'm using it as a pencil holder. It's our center piece at the kitchen table during school hours. It dec's the table out and makes writing fun! I know it's corny, but cute things like this make things like school so much more exciting for me.

It's been a week now since we've started school. I was gonna start on July 13th, but summer was beginning to be too chaotic for me and all my kids... so I wanted to start school early to get a little structure and order back. It's just part time school - about 3 hours a day. Journal time, Piano practice, Math drills, english and reading, Pre-school when the twins aren't napping, and even a little one-on-one special ed for Zach. The kids love ... LOVE it! They love the order, the activities, the work, the writing....
It's been a very nice way for me to just do a couple hours a day to ease into major all-day schooling when it starts in September.
I think I'm gonna LOVE doing school at home!